This is where Chris and I first met on a “back-stage” tour offered to library school co-op students working in Ottawa. During the tour, Chris reverently referred to this magnificent building as “Mecca for librarians”. As a nod to that romantic and important setting, I gave Chris silver Library of Parliament cufflinks as a wedding gift – he was tickled pink, and promptly had his best man take scissors to the cuffs of his dress shirt so he could wear them at our wedding.
Following my parents’ deaths, we mused about where we might want to be buried. Chris had mentioned that he would like some of his ashes scattered behind the Library of Parliament because that was where we met. So that’s what I did on a beautiful but chilly day several weeks ago. It ended up being too windy – and too busy with tourists – to have the privacy and solace for this quiet moment so we walked down to the bike path which runs along the base of the cliff below the Parliament Buildings.
There, I found a beautiful, tranquil spot looking out across the river and gently scattered the ashes of Chris’ body amongst the wild flowers and fallen autumn leaves under the trees. If you look up the cliff from that spot you can see the Gothic spires of the Library of Parliament through the trees. Nearby there are two benches where you can sit and enjoy the view and think of Chris.
He would have been happy with this choice and I know that I will always be close to him in this favourite place where we found each other.
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